Frequently asked questions
Q - How many pallets can be delivered on a truck?
A - A single truck can deliver 18 pallets if you have a forklift to unload the grass. If the truck needs to unload, they will carry 16 pallets with a forklift.
Q - How many square feet does a pallet cover?
A - 1 pallet covers 450 square feet (50 square yards).
Q - I have shade where I am laying the grass. What is the best grass for shade?
A - Shade can be a little tricky. In general, Bermuda does not do well in shade. Zoysia can handle low to medium shade fine, but St Augustine is the only grass that will grow in heavy shade.
Q - Where is your yard located/grass available for pick up?
A - We do not have a physical location. We have the grass cut to order and delivered to the project. All grass delivered is sent fresh.